A beautiful fall day, on a magical farm, filled with laughter, a few tears and a whole lot of fun.
Thats one way to describe Shayla and Zach’s wedding day. It was perfect, the ceremony was officiated by Zach’s Dad, they planted a tree in the orchard and had each and every guest help put the soil back on the newly planted tree. The day was intentional and so full of meaning. The menu had been picked by Zach, all things from his experiences, it was delightfully prepared by the chefs.

I’ve been dreaming for years of being at a wedding that is totally held outdoors, no tent or anything, and this one finally made that dream come true. With some lights strung over the table we all dined outdoors, we laughed outdoors, we cried outdoors, and we may have even had the firepit get a bit out of hand out doors, and of course they danced outdoors!

I started my day with a smile on my face, and I don’t think that smile left the entire time I was there. Its actually back on my face while I’m typing this.

Thank you so much to Shayla and Zach and their parents for having me join them out at Oak Knoll Farm to spend the day documenting their story.

